

Global Standing 14

Issued by: European Rover Challenges (ERC) - Polish branch of The Mars Society, Poland
Date: Sep 2018

IUT Mars Rover - Team Avijatrik stood 14th globally, Best among Asian teams in ERC. The European Rover Challenge, “ERC,” is the largest space-robotics event in Europe, dedicated to the scientific and business world, the new technology industry, and the wider audience. Since 2014, ERC has been organized annually in Poland at the initiative of the Polish branch of The Mars Society.


Issued by: Industrial Robotics Challenge - BUET, Dhaka-Bangladesh
Date: Dec 2016

Developed a robot capable of detecting objects based on color and shape, with the ability to drop them into their respective positions. A complete autonomous system for industrial applications.


Issued by: Line Follower Competition - IUT, Dhaka-Bangladesh
Date: Jul 2016

Achieved champion status in the “Line Follower Robot Competition” at Mecceleration 2016, organized by the Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, Islamic University of Technology.


Issued by: Botball Competition - WUB, Dhaka-Bangladesh
Date: Dec 2015

Member of the champion team in the “BotBall Competition” at the 4th WUB CSE festival held on December 4-5, 2015, organized by the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering of the World University of Bangladesh.

Bronze Medal

Issued by: International Mathematics Competition - Chiang Mai, Thailand
Date: Oct 2008

Awarded a bronze medal for Bangladesh at an international mathematics competition among 800 competitors.