Interest and activities

Interest and activities


  • Travel: Exploring new places, cultures, and meeting diverse people.
  • Robotics: Engaging in the fascinating world of robotics and automation.
  • IoT (Internet of Things): Exploring the connectivity of devices and systems.
  • Playing with Automation: Enjoying the challenge of automating tasks and processes.
  • Football: I thoroughly enjoy playing football.
  • Cycling: Embracing the outdoors and staying active through cycling.


Team Coordinator

  • Organization: Robotics Club, IUT
  • Role: Planned the roadmap and effectively managed the software team.
  • Responsibilities: Coordinated team efforts, ensuring successful project execution.

Robotics Teacher

  • Subject: Coding and Designing Line Follower Robots
  • Teaching Experience: Shared knowledge and skills in robotics with aspiring learners.
  • Focus: Guiding students in coding practices and the design principles of line follower robots.